Standard of Conduct

Students may be expelled for conduct reflecting discredit to the students, the Center, or the Community. Behaviors which will be considered grounds for dismissal of a student are:

  • Willful disobedience
  • Open defiance of authority of a member of the staff
  • Violence against personal property
  • Profane or indecent language or behavior
  • Smoking on campus
  • Attending class under the influence of alcohol, illegal mood modifiers, or the possession of either
  • Improper conduct causing disturbances in the classroom, hallways, or other places on the school premises
  • Tampering with fire equipment, safety and evacuation signs, or the setting off of a false fire alarm
  • The possession and/or use of weapons (a firearm or any other object which can be used to threaten or injure another individual) by a student on the Center’s campus will result in a recommendation for expulsion from the Center.

Read the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Post Secondary Code of Student Conduct.
