Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technician

Program Objective:

The Major Appliance and Refrigeration Repair Program is dedicated to providing assistance and input that will produce the highest quality training programs for the current needs of the Major Appliance Industry. To accomplish this, the following guidelines are established: assist students to choose, prepare for, enter, and be gainfully employed in the major appliance repair field; offer a program which emphasizes sound fundamentals while responding to the needs of this particular industry; provide courses to meet current and specific needs of the student and this industry.

Occupational Outlook

O*NET Program Detail

Curriculum Framework

Program Outlook:

The Major Appliance and Refrigeration Repair program provides students with the technical knowledge and skills for employment as Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technicians in the Major Appliance industry. Instruction includes a combination of classroom theory and practical experience. The program, also offers supplemental training for persons previously or currently employed in Major Appliance and Refrigeration occupations.  Students are eligible to join the SkillsUSA.

Program Content:

The content includes but is not limited to broad, transferable skills, stresses the understanding of all aspects of the machining industry, and demonstrates such elements of the industry as  planning, management, finance, technical and production skills, underlying principles of technology, labor issues, community   issues, and health, safety, and environmental issues.

  • Electrical and Refrigeration Skills
  • Tools, Equipment and Bench Skills
  • DishwashersRanges—Gas & Electric
  • Microwaves
  • Clothing Dryers—Gas & Electric
  • Washing Machines
  • Room Air Conditioners
  • Domestic Refrigerators
  • Employability Skills and Safety

Length of Program:

The average length of this program is 1200 hours (approx. 14 months) for adults attending full-time. Actual time dependent upon enrollment status and the length of time the student requires to achieve competencies. This program is designed to prepare students for entry level jobs.

Admission Requirements:

  • Students must be at least 16 years old and not attending high school
  • Application Interview by a guidance counselor
  • Fees for supplies and textbooks are required.

Entrance Dates:

This program operates on an open-entry, open-exit basis. Students may enter the program anytime during the school year.  Entrance is dependent upon space availability. Call (305) 557-1100 for more information.

Graduation Requirements:

  • Completion of all Occupational Completion Points (OCP’s)
  • Satisfy Basic Skills Requirements
    Mathematics 9      Language 9        Reading 9
  • No financial obligations
  • Students must complete the Clearance packet to receive program certificate.

AEER0391Appliance Installation Helper200 hours
BEER0315Laundry Technician300 hours
CEER0392Cooking Appliance Technician350 hours
DACR0084Cooling Appliance Technician350 hours

Program Cost:

  • In-state residents—$2.56 per hour (Subject to change)
  • Out of state resident—$10.25 per hour (Subject to change)
  • $20.00 application fee
  • Material fee—Varies by program
  • Identification Card fee—$5.00 per trimester
  • Students must purchase books/kits and/or uniforms, if applicable

Program Hours:

Monday—Thursday       5:00 pm—11:00 pm

Approximately Total Cost:


Employment Requirements:

  • There are no formal educational requirements for becoming a Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technician. However, most employers often give preference to applicants who have completed formal training at a technical college.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Certificate
  • Students are strongly recommended to obtain their Professional Service Association (PSA) certification.

Career Opportunities:

Appliance Repair Technician, Department. Store Service Center Technician, Factory Repair Center Technician, Appliance Installer.


The average wage for this career in Florida is $17.85 hourly or $37,130 annually.

Job Outlook:

Employment of general maintenance and repair workers is projected to grow 8% from 2020 to 2030.

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