
Learn practical knowledge to pursue your Plumbing career.


The purpose of the programs in this cluster is to prepare students for employment or advanced training in a variety of pipe occupations. The content includes but is not limited to reading construction documents, understanding building codes in the pipe trades, plumbing pipe-cutting-and-joining skills and plumbing layout and installation.

Program Structure

BCV0508A - Helper, Plumber, Pipefitter 360
BCV0540B- Residential Plumber 240
BCV0562C- Commercial Plumber 240
BCV0562D- Plumbing Applications240

1,080 Hours (Approx. 18 months) is required to complete this program. The length of time is also dependent upon enrollment (full-time/part-time) and the completion of the required competencies.


Test Adult Basic Education (T.A.B.E.) scores required for the course:

  • Mathematics= 9
  • Language= 9
  • Reading= 9

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